Home > The Secrets Hidden In The Scars. Chapter 15
The Secrets Hidden In The Scars. Chapter 15
My Books News Stronger Together The Secrets Hidden In The Scars Update
Oct 11 2022
Estrella Rose

Hey, everybody! Estrella Rose is here! I’ve just updated my book “The Secrets Hidden In The Scars” with Chapter 15. Even through we’re too far from the fnial of this story, I keep working on it and getting pleasure from telling my story. So, I’ve published 15 chapters so far. We’ve finally reached the chapter, in which, as I told you before, something would happen and get the characters deeply shocked. It was madly hurt to finish working on this part. It’s so hard to make my characters suffer. Nevertheless, if everything was too good and sweet, reading a book wouldn’t be interested. We need scandals, intrigues, and investigations! We need passion! We need something that would make our blood run in the veins! Something hot! Something shocking! Something interesting! So, I’m doing my best to make it real. No matter how hard it is to write one or another scene, there is a storyline. And I follow it. With the hope that there will be someone to get interested in it.

Anyway, I would be madly happy if you liked this book, added it to your library and told me what you think of the storyline and the characters’ actions. I hope you would’t lose your interest for my book and would read it until the very end. My English is not perfect, but I’m doing my best to make my texts more or less readable.

To get a mood for reading, play the song 5 Seconds of Summer — Tomorrow Never Dies, the lyrics of which were used for the orginal title of the character.

Have a nice day!

Love, Estrella Rose.

Wattpad: https://wattpad.com/story/320248052-the-secrets-hidden-in-the-scars
Inkitt: https://inkitt.com/stories/drama/949218
Booknet: https://booknet.com/en/book/the-secrets-hidden-in-the-scars-b404449

“Listen, I completely understand you probably have not the best and easiest period in your life. But you can always count on Daniel and me. We’d be happy to help you if you told us what happened and let us know what would make you feel better.”
“Nothing can help me. And I made absolutely sure that I had no place in your band. And I can no longer be your friend and just speak to you. I don’t deserve it after everything I’ve done.”
“No, Peter, don’t say that!” Terrence pronounces excitedly. “You didn’t do anything terrible for us to think of you’re so bad! And if you did something, we’d be by your side anyway and not judge you.”
“Don’t calm me down, Terrence. I’ve decided, today is the last day I speak to you. I left the band a few days ago and am now ready to break my contact with you. To let you reach for your dream, which you two have been aiming so hard.”
“Peter, hear us!” Daniel begs in a little shaking voice. “We blame you for nothing and are ready to help you. Let’s quietly talk about everything, and you’ll explain why you wanna do this to us. I promise Terrence and I won’t judge you and blame you for something. Just give us a chance to help you and save you from something bad.”
“It doesn’t make sense,” Peter replies without emotions in a low voice. “Nothing will help such a talentless and brainless ugly that always messes up everything. I… I can’t take this anymore… The stinker named Peter must not live in this world. He must not poison the lives of those, who surround him, and prevent them from making their biggest dreams come true.”
Terrence and Daniel look at each other with horror in their widely open eyes and slightly shake their heads, feeling their throats get dry from the excitement, and their hands start shaking slightly.
“No, no, Peter, please, don’t do this!” Daniel begs with a heavy breath. “We’ve never considered you ugly or brainless! Why did you make yourself think of such terrible things? Can’t words of people that love you make you sure you aren’t what you think you are?”
“Who the fuck needs me?” Peter makes a louder sob, strongly shaking from the excitement. “Everybody has their business and doesn’t wanna babysit a pathetic bastard, whose birth was the greatest mistake.”
“We need you! Need you not only as a drummer of the band that won’t exist without you but also as a wonderful friend, who’d always come to help his close people and has never stopped being as loyal as a dog.”
“Don’t make me laugh, Daniel, you’re saying bullshit. I guess, you confused me with another Peter and didn’t mean the ugly you’re talking on the phone with.”
“Please, Peter, let’s forget everything that happened between us and talk quietly. I swear I’m not mad at you for what happened and wanna keep befriending you and learn to be a better friend, who wouldn’t ruin the friendship because of his long tongue. If something hurts you, I’ll no longer even hint at that. Just let Terrence and me help you get outta the depression. We do know you need help and are ready to give it.”

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