Hello, my sweet estrellitas! Estrella Rose is on here! I hope you haven’t forgotten me yet and are having a nice day. No, I’m still alive, and I’m working hard on editing all my books and getting ready to start writing the fifth book from the “Stronger Together” series. But I actually made this post to talk to you about something different that does have to do with my career as a writer.
I just realized that I completely forgot one little thing. February 13th marks the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of my career as a writer Estrella Rose. Some time before, I actually planned to make a short post on this day, but I got busy and eventually forgot to say a few words. Though, I don’t have too much to mention. Although I’ve reached some kind of success since last year, it’s still super insignificant. I’m still hanging out somewhere at the very bottom with my one million-page books, which I’m, however, working on constantly, as if a lot of readers are waiting for them.
Yes, it makes me upset to some extent, but I can say that it’s only my fault. After all, I don’t follow the current trends, and I don’t write to the target audience (okay, I wrote about cheating in my latest book, but it absolutely differs from what I saw in the works that I briefly glanced at). I don’t promote my books in any way, except for short posts on my accounts on social networks, in which I tell 1,5 followers of mine something interesting about my work and my plans for the future. I’m planning to start publishing posts every week with quotes and dialogues from all my books in order to promote them somehow. This is the least thing that I can do, not being able to spend a lot of money for ads (there is also the idea of getting promoted in some special communities, but I’m a terrible shy person, who is just afraid to do this). Some interesting information appears on my author’s blog from time to time. And this is where my PR campaign ends. Also, let’s not forget that people are also overwhelmed by the number of pages in my books (oh yeah, who else but me would write books of 1000+ or 2000+ pages?). Actually, short, 100-200-page stories are trending these days. What could I expect, having FOUR books, which contain from 3 to 9 million characters!
Well, or maybe I’m just a stupid folk, who wastes time breaking buttons on the keyboard in the hope of writing at least something good. I may love my work to death, but that doesn’t mean other people will like it. However, even if I understand all of this completely, I still continue to work on my works too hard and try to improve what has already been written and get rid of absolutely ridiculous ideas, which can only come into the head of a little drunk person. But which came into the mind of the stupid little girl, who wrote senseless things at the age of at fourteen or sixteen. And they make me feel ashamed now, when I’m much older. So, that’s why I still have to remove and correct all of that somehow, so that my stories become more or less believable and don’t look like something written by a crazy folk. Well, I think I am successfully working on this task. I am slowly getting rid of the moments that I could publish somewhere only for a lot of money (so that I am not so ashamed of what was done by the baby that lived somewhere 10-13 years ago and dreamed of writing something good).
Anyway, I keep working, and I will later come back to you with a post, in which I will tell you more about what I’ve changed in my books (there will be some major changes, just saying).
Have a nice day!
Love, Estrella Rose.