Home > When We Were Young (Stronger Together: The Soundtrack)
When We Were Young (Stronger Together: The Soundtrack)
Estrella Rose My Books News Stronger Together The Broken Hearts Story The Soundtrack
Sep 11 2024
Estrella Rose

Hello, my sweet estrellitas! It’s Wednesday, and it means it’s time to introduce a new song, which is written by me and became the soundtrack for one of my books. This week, I want to tell you about the song called “When We Were Young” which became the soundtrack for “The Broken Hearts Story“, Book 2 from the “Stronger Together” series. The lyrics for this song can be found on my author blog, where you can find all the songs that I’ve written and published so far, and in the description of the video that I published on YouTube (subscribe to my channel, by the way, if you want). And in the lyrics video, of course 🙂

Two weeks ago, I told you about the song “Posh Superstar” that is performed by the girl, who appeared in the book two or three times only and did not play a major role in it. So, according to my idea, the song “When We Were Young” is performed by the same girl, but in Chapter 11. Since the girl is young enough, this time, I wanted her to sing a song about teenage love. About the memories related to it. About the wish to come back to the days when two unnamed lovers felt easy and good. Of course, it’s not related to the lead characters, and teenage couples aren’t included in my story. Nevertheless, let’s have it 🙂

So, I am leaving you again for one week. I will be working on the fifth book where events are getting tenser and tenser, and the characters are having to experience a hard time and try to find a way to get out of the trouble the author of this work got them involved in. I guess my characters would kill me if they existed in real life and found me 🙂

I will come back to you next Wednesday at 08:00 GMT-5 and tell you about the theme of one of the lead characters of the book series (by the way, I finished rendering lyrics videos for all the songs I’ve written). And I’m going to tell you a secret, you will be getting songs that are dedicated to them in the next few weeks. At the moment, you only have “I’m Not A Freak“, which became the theme of the lead character from Book 5, the title of which I will not mention here until the announcement, but you can find it in the lyrics video that I have on my Youtube channel.

Thank you for your attention!
Have a nice day!
Love, Estrella Rose.

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