Home > The Secrets Hidden In The Scars. Chapter 30
The Secrets Hidden In The Scars. Chapter 30
My Books News Stronger Together The Secrets Hidden In The Scars Update
Jan 09 2023
Estrella Rose

Hiya, everybody! Estrella Rose is here! I’ve updated my book “The Secrets Hidden In The Scars” with a new chapter. You can already read Chapter 30.

So what, the second tenth was full of events and was a so-called peak of everything. Now things will be getting better. The characters will finally be able to relax a little. We’re only 13 chapters away from the end of this story. Yes, yes, it will end! And I am letting you know how long you have to see it all. This chapter is kind of short and does not contain anything special. As I said before, this chapter is called the come-to-themselves one. The dumbfounded characters are trying to come to themselves after everything that happeened to them. The next two chapters will not be too long. They used to be one chapter, but I decided to separate them in two parts. And a little spoiler: I’m going to add the love scene in it. Yes, for the first time in a while. I hope it’s gonna be interesting!

Anyway, I would be madly happy if you liked this book, added it to your library and told me what you think of the storyline and the characters’ actions. I hope you would’t lose your interest for my book and would read it until the very end. My English is not perfect, but I’m doing my best to make my texts more or less readable.

To get a mood for reading, play the song Emily Osment — What About Me, the lyrics of which were used for the title of the character. I mean, it was a little longer, but I shortened it in the latest edition.

Have a nice day!

Love, Estrella Rose.

Wattpad: https://wattpad.com/story/320248052-the-secrets-hidden-in-the-scars
Inkitt: https://inkitt.com/stories/drama/949218
Booknet: https://booknet.com/en/book/the-secrets-hidden-in-the-scars-b404449
All Links: https://estrellarose.tk/online/the-secrets-hidden-in-the-scars
Booktrailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f2KrQkH0YA&t=3s

“What’s your name?” the stranger asks.
“Mine?” Edward moves his rounded eyes to the stranger. “Erm… Edward…”
“So, Edward, never lose your hope for the best. Yes, maybe, you made some mistakes, but trust me, that’s fine. Everyone gets wrong. There is no perfect person in the world. And we all have a right to a second chance. There is nothing bad in doing something wrong. But when you make a mistake, you will know what will be waiting for you and not repeat that mistake again. I’m sure if you got your girlfriend back, you’d do your best not to lose her. To give her happiness any woman deserves.”
“I’d move a mountain for her…” Edward sighs heavily. “For that blue-eyed blonde beauty…”
“Do it then. Literally.” The stranger slightly fixes his hat. “Remember, if your love for the girl is strong, you must prove it by your actions, not shout that you love her and can’t live without her. You should show her that you’re ready to do anything for her. She will appreciate it. Women adore someone to be ready to go through fire and water for them. And if the girl is totally in love with you, you will conquer her heart.”
“Yeah…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully. “Maybe, you are right…”
“If your hearts belong to each other by fate, they will always belong. If you must be together, fate will bring you to each other, no matter how hard you resist. I know people that say they love, but don’t actually know what real love is. Love is a very strong feeling that not everyone can feel. Sometimes it’s like poison spreading all over the body and slowly killing a person inside. Only the antidote may save the person. If it’s not found, the poison eats you entirely.”
“Well… If it’s about love like mine, it’s probably the truth.”
“I think in your case, the antidote is the girl you love. Only if you get her back, she will rescue your soul and fix your heart that is broken into little pieces.”
“Do you think this love will kill me if I don’t get her back or find a way to get rid of it?” Edward frowns slightly, looking at the stranger surprisingly.
“Maybe. There are two ways to recover: trying to get back the one, who stole your heart, or striking her out of your life and getting rid of everything related to her. Living and suffering from feelings for someone that has never answered you back or felt out of love with you is not the solution.”

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