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Estrella Rose

Helene: I won’t get sick of saying how much I’m proud of you. And I think you did a very noble thing by deciding to help your friends for friendship, despite all the risks. This is the act of a truly courageous and loyal man.
Peter: All I do is for love and friendship. No self-interest. Just a wish to thank.
Helene: I’m sure that nothing threatens me with such a wonderful man by my side.
Peter: Don’t doubt it, my sweetheart. No mercy for your enemies!
Helene: It’s so nice to hear it… I don’t know what I would do if I hadn’t met you… I’d probably work all day long and become a certain careerist.
Peter: Your grandmother wouldn’t be happy.
Helene: Yeah… I thought she needed a little to start looking for a boyfriend for me. Anyway, I found the one, who makes me happy. I don’t need another man.
Peter: Another man would have no chance. You wouldn’t reject such a gorgeous, handsome man, who would caress his sweetheart like a puppy and become a wild animal to protect her.

The Lost & Forgotten Memories, Chapter 21
Heter is the love pairing of Helene Marshall and Peter Rose from such books like The Secrets Hidden In The Scars, The Lost And Forgotten Memories.

Other Names

  • Pelene
  • Petene
  • Heleter


  • Both filmed in Against The System's music video "The Story About Us"
  • Both are adult people
  • Both love dogs
  • Both are smart
  • Both don't have siblings


  • Peter is a man, and Helene is a girl
  • Helene has hazel eyes, and Peter has amber eyes
  • Peter has blonde wheat hair, and Helene has black hair
  • Helene is one year younger than Peter
  • Peter was born in New York, and Helene was born in Kingston
  • Helene was born in September, while Peter was born in April
  • Peter was born in 1991, while Helene was born in 1992
  • Helene cannot play musical instruments, while Peter plays a guitar, drums, and a cajon
  • Peter can speak German a bit, while Helene does not know any foreinge languages
  • Helene is lower than Peter


Coming soon...


  • They were hiding they were in love for one and a half years
  • They had the first kiss in the hospital
  • They were introduced to each other by their common friend, Jessica Taylor
  • The so-called soundtrack of their couple is Faith Hill — Breathe


Helene: I won’t get sick of saying how much I’m proud of you. And I think you did a very noble thing by deciding to help your friends for friendship, despite all the risks. This is the act of a truly courageous and loyal man.
Peter: All I do is for love and friendship. No self-interest. Just a wish to thank.
Helene: I’m sure that nothing threatens me with such a wonderful man by my side.
Peter: Don’t doubt it, my sweetheart. No mercy for your enemies!
Helene: It’s so nice to hear it… I don’t know what I would do if I hadn’t met you… I’d probably work all day long and become a certain careerist.
Peter: Your grandmother wouldn’t be happy.
Helene: Yeah… I thought she needed a little to start looking for a boyfriend for me. Anyway, I found the one, who makes me happy. I don’t need another man.
Peter: Another man would have no chance. You wouldn’t reject such a gorgeous, handsome man, who would caress his sweetheart like a puppy and become a wild animal to protect her.

The Lost & Forgotten Memories, Chapter 21
Featured In:
The Secrets Hidden In The Scars
The Lost And Forgotten Memories