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Estrella Rose

Natalia: “I wouldn’t help someone I can’t take. I’d give a damn about them. I wouldn’t wish death – that’s bad. But wouldn’t save as well.”
Edward: “I wouldn’t also help the one I can’t take. I wouldn’t even think of protecting them. Because I help only those I love, respect, and consider important to me.”
Natalia: “It’s about your family?”
Edward: “I’d sacrifice anything for it.”
Natalia: “I got it. Remembering how you were protecting your brother when we three were at your uncle’s house.”
Edward: “You think I should’ve stayed aside when that old bastard threatened to destroy him? I was ready to cut his throat, at least for daring to insult Terrence!”
Natalia: “Do you really still love him?”
Edward: “Of course! He is my brother! The one I got very attracted to. The one, with who it was always good to spend time. Terrence understood me like nobody else and knew how to help me with a word or a business. All of his pieces of advice were very nice, and I must’ve listened to them.”
Natalia: “So, wasn’t the fact that you were protecting him something like a situation when ‘trouble unites people?’”
Edward: “No, it was my wish. Helping him and protecting him was my duty. Despite what happened between us, I’ll always love him, respect him, and consider him one of my closest people.”

The Secrets Hidden In The Scars, Chapter 34
Alia is the female pairing of Alicia Middleton and Amelia Sanchez from such books like The Sins Of The Past, The Broken Hearts Story, The Secrets Hidden In The Scars.

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Natalia: “I wouldn’t help someone I can’t take. I’d give a damn about them. I wouldn’t wish death – that’s bad. But wouldn’t save as well.”
Edward: “I wouldn’t also help the one I can’t take. I wouldn’t even think of protecting them. Because I help only those I love, respect, and consider important to me.”
Natalia: “It’s about your family?”
Edward: “I’d sacrifice anything for it.”
Natalia: “I got it. Remembering how you were protecting your brother when we three were at your uncle’s house.”
Edward: “You think I should’ve stayed aside when that old bastard threatened to destroy him? I was ready to cut his throat, at least for daring to insult Terrence!”
Natalia: “Do you really still love him?”
Edward: “Of course! He is my brother! The one I got very attracted to. The one, with who it was always good to spend time. Terrence understood me like nobody else and knew how to help me with a word or a business. All of his pieces of advice were very nice, and I must’ve listened to them.”
Natalia: “So, wasn’t the fact that you were protecting him something like a situation when ‘trouble unites people?’”
Edward: “No, it was my wish. Helping him and protecting him was my duty. Despite what happened between us, I’ll always love him, respect him, and consider him one of my closest people.”

The Secrets Hidden In The Scars, Chapter 34

Natalia: Listen, Edward… Look at me. Please, don’t keep everything inside. You feel bad now because you’re holding yourself down. But trust me, when you open your heart, you will get better.
Edward: I don’t hide what I’m worried about.
Natalia: Yes, but you’re hiding many things. You talk briefly about what you’re worried about. You don’t reveal your soul.
Edward: I don’t wanna say the same thing for the hundredth time.
Natalia: Maybe, you wanna shed a tear?
Edward: No! No, I can’t. I must not do it! I must not!
Natalia: There’s nothing bad in a crying man. It’s not weakness, it’s bravery. When someone cries, they aren’t afraid to show their real side. They can stay themselves. They aren’t afraid of being a little vulnerable.
Edward: Everybody thinks I’m weak… But if I cry, I will lose their respect.
Natalia: But you’ve shed a tear many times before.
Edward: Yes, I cried. And I’m ashamed. Ashamed of letting myself be weak.
Natalia: Expressing your emotions should never make you feel ashamed. You must be ashamed when you can’t be sorry, feel pity, and be afraid. When you stay cold even when your close people are dying.

The Lost & Forgotten Memories, Chapter 21
Featured In:
The Sins Of The Past
The Broken Hearts Story
The Secrets Hidden In The Scars