Home > Hole In My Head (Stronger Together: The Soundtrack)
Hole In My Head (Stronger Together: The Soundtrack)
Estrella Rose My Books News Stronger Together The Lost And Forgotten Memories The Soundtrack
Jun 06 2024
Estrella Rose

Hey, my sweet estrellitas! One week passed very fast, and it means it’s time to make you happy (no) with some new content. As I promised before, I finished the work on the third soundtrack for “The Lost And Forgotten Memories“, Book 4 from my book series “Stronger Together” called “Hole In My Head“. The lyrics for this song can be found on my author blog, where you can find all the songs that I’ve written and published so far, and in the description of the video that I published on YouTube (subscribe to my channel, by the way). And in the lyrics video, of course 🙂

This song is about the lead male character trying to understand what happened to him after he lost his memory and wondering how he is connected with the people, who want to help him so badly and are devastated because he cannot remember anyone of them. But some sixth sense tells him that they are kind of familiar to him. And the character cannot get rid of the feeling that he gave someone pain and might’ve become someone’s victim. However, let’s do it without spoilers… Instead, I (don’t) suggest that you check out “TLAFM” and find out what that man did when his memory lived its own life.

Anyway, I hope you will love this song. Yes, I had to spend several days and a lot of nerves to get something good and replace the fragments, in which some words were just “swallowed“. Of course, I can’t be called a good sound engineer, but I’m doing my best to get more or less good results, and I never post anyone that I do not like at all.

Come back next week to listen to the new track, which is going to be the soundtrack for the other book of mine. By the way, can you guess which book I mean? If you do it, you’re awesome! 🙂

Thank you for your attention!
Have a nice day!
Love, Estrella Rose.

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