You are the only one to be able to make your life what you want. Human is a creator of their destiny. Dreams will come true if you are hard-working, cruel, ruthless, and purposeful.
You are nobody without money. Without banknotes, you will not be heard. But when you are rich and have money and good contacts, the whole world lies at your feet, and you feel as powerful as God. Even impossible things become possible if you have a thick wag of money in your pocket.
Money quickly gets obsessed with a person’s mind and becomes something like a drug. That’s what will make him plasticine, from which you will be able to make anyone.
Kind people don't survive in this world and have nothing! If you want to get something, you must fight in any way and step on others.
Only big money can give you everything! Thanks to dollars, you can have anything you want. All doors will be open for you! Knock at any single one – you will be accepted with open arms! If you just wave a wag of dollars, you will be literally carried in the arms.
Without money, you are nobody! But with money, you are the real God that can do even the impossible.
Michael MacClife | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||